If you know of any good Websites or Databases that are not shown below, then please email us & we will try to include them. Also let us know if any of the links are dead & we will update them.
We accept no liability if you visit or use any of these websites & databases, this is all done at your own risk; you should make sure that you are not
breaching any work based policies before visiting them.
Sexual Age Of Consent
(FS) worldatlas.com - the different ages of consent around the world
(FS) law.cornell.edu - marriage laws & minimum ages for the 50 states in the USA & the District of Columbia & Puerto Rico
American Based Sites People Search Sites
(FS) usa-official.com - very useful free & easy to use people search site for the USA, giving lots of details
(FS) thatsthem.com - useful people search site for the USA
(FS) searchsystems.net - links to many different American based databases, most of which are free to access
(FS) nuwber.com - a people search site for American, displaying some useful information before you have to pay
(FS) zabasearch.com - American site offering free people search, address lookup and reverse phone number lookup
(FS) melissa.com - site offering free people search in the USA
(PS) beenverified.com - a people search site for American, displaying some useful information before you have to sign in and pay
(PS) infotracer.com - a people search site for American, displaying some useful information before you have to pay Property Search Sites
(FS) usrealtyrecords.com - searchable address & property details in the USA
(FS) homemetry.com - free & very useful USA property search site
(PS) ustitlerecords.com - links to access property & mortgage details in the USA
(FS) artloss.com - the world's largest database of stolen art but requires an account to search fully
Australian Based Sites
(FS) australialookup.com - Australian people search site
(FS) personlookup.com.au - Australian people search site
(FS) aussiefinder.com.au - Australian people search site
(FS) domain.com.au - property profiles for Australian addresses
(FS) naa.gov.au - free searchable database of Australian military and passenger records
(FS) nla.gov.au - free searchable online collaboration between the National Library of Australia and hundreds of partner organisations around Australia, including newspapers
Blocked Sites
(FS) 451unavailable.org - details of sites blocked by UK court orders
(FS) blocked.org.uk - check to see if a site is being blocked by UK ISP's
(FS) google.com - list of requests to take down sites, by requesting organisation & specified domain
(FS) lumendatabase.org - searchable database of legal complaints and requests for removal of on-line material
(FS) isbnsearch.org - search for a book by title, author or ISBN
(FS) abebooks.co.uk - identify books by their ISBN
(FS) amazon.co.uk - search & identify books by their title, author, publisher or ISBN
Charity Details England & Wales
(FS) gov.uk - details & links for the UK Charity Commission
(FS) charitycommission.gov.uk - free searchable database for charities registered in England & Wales
(FS) oscr.org.uk - free searchable database for the Scottish Charity Regulator
Northern Ireland
(FS) charitycommissionni.org.uk - free searchable database for the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland
(FS) charitiesregulator.ie - free searchable database for the Public Register of Charities for Ireland
Chat Room Sites
(FS) mibbit.com - links to 100's of newsgroups / irc's
(FS) freechatnow.com - adult based chat room
(FS) chat-avenue.com - access to a number of different chat rooms, game & adult based
(FS) chatib.us - adult based chat room
(FS) chatiw.uk - UK based adult chat room
(FS) we-talk.co - free & easy to access chat room
(FS) omegle.com - a free & monitored site allowing you to chat to strangers
Convert File Types All File Types
(FS) youconvertit.com - convert any media file format (Documents, Images, Audio & Video) online without buying or installing anything on your PC
(FS) online-convert.com - convert any media file format
(FS) zamzar.com - convert any media file format
(FS) ezyzip.com - enables you to open any type of compressed file, as well as letting you compress files
PDF Converters PDF To Many Different File Type
(FS) online2pdf.com - a free online pdf converter & editor
(FS) pdfconverter.com - pdf converter software with a free online trial feature
(FS) freeconvert.com - is an online site which lets you open & convert many different file types, which is useful when dealing with pdf's etc. as well as letting you open any type of compressed file and letting you compress files
(FS) extractpdf.com - a site allowing you to extract images & text data from PDF files
(FS) pdfonfly.com - an on-line site which converts a website to a PDF and adds the URL & date stamp on the form
PDF To Text
(FS) pdftotext.com - a site allowing you to extract text data from PDF files
PDF To Word & Excel
(FS) freepdfconvert.com - converts PDF to word or excel document and more
(FS) cometdocs.com - an online site which converts PDF to word or excel documents etc
(FS) pdftoword.com - PDF-to-Word converter
(FS) pdfonline.com - online PDF to Word converter
(FS) investintech.com - a site allowing an online trial of software which converts scanned pdf's to word documents
(FS) pdftoexcelonline.com - an online site which converts PDF files to excel documents
(FS) pdftoexcel.com - an online site which converts PDF files to excel documents
PDF To JPG Image
(FS) pdf2jpg.net - online PDF to JPG converter
PDF A Web Page
(FS) pdfmyurl.com - this site allows you to get a pdf version of a URL without visiting the website
Courts & Legal Information UK Court Information
(FS) thelawpages.com - need to register but then you can search Crown Court sentencing results & more
(FS) courtserve.net - search their database of UK court & tribunal reports via a surname (a paid for service is also available)
(FS) casecheck.co.uk - a free UK legal resource with a searchable database, which appears to be high court cases as opposed to criminal court cases
(FS) gov.uk - searchable database of UK employment tribunal hearings & results
(FS) gov.uk - this site lists all the vexatious litigants & the date the order was made
(FS) hse.gov.uk - searchable public register of convictions from the Health & Safety Executive (HSE)
(FS) bailii.org - British & Irish legal Information Institute
(FS) caseboard.io - searchable database of 100,000+ High Court cases in England
(FS) legislation.gov.uk - allows you access to copies of most types of UK legislation
(PS) trustonline.org.uk - a database containing details of High Court judgments, Magistrates Court fines defaults and Tribunal Awards
(PS) iclr.co.uk - the incorporated council of law reporting for England & Wales
(FS) offenders.org.uk - searchable database of convicted UK sex offenders
Scottish Court Information
(FS) scotcourts.gov.uk - useful Scottish Court info, including a searchable judgments database
Irish Court Information
(FS) courts.ie - searchable database for the Irish High Court
International Court Information
(FS) nsopw.gov - this is the American National Sex Offender Public Website (NSOPW), coordinated by the U.S. Department of Justice
(FS) bop.gov - run by the Federal Bureau of Prisons in the USA, this is a database of all Federal inmates incarcerated since 1982 onwards
(FS) bustedoffenders.com - American site which lets you "find sex offenders in your neighborhood", searchable by location and name
(FS) blackbookonline.info - a site that allows searching via a name of various state & federal sites in the USA for records of arrests & convictions
(FS) judyrecords.com - searchable database of US court record
(FS) arrests.org - database of US arrest records, searchable by state
(FS) ca.gov - designated registered sex offenders in California
(FS) iowa.us - offender information from the Iowa Department of Corrections
(FS) jailbase.com - details & photographs of people arrested in the USA & held in County Jails
(FS) mugshots.com - details & photographs of people wanted by various agencies in the USA
(FS) unicourt.com - site offering free searches for those involved in USA court cases, with documents available for paid account holders
(FS) trellis.law - site offering free searches for those involved in USA court cases, with documents available for paid account holders
Data Protection / GDPR
(FS) ico.org.uk - UK ICO GDPR Guidance & Resources
(FS) ico.org.uk - UK ICO Data Protection Impact Assessments, for Controllers & Processors checklists
(FS) ico.org.uk - UK ICO Data Protection Lawful Basis, interactive guidance tool
(FS) ico.org.uk - UK ICO Guide to Law Enforcement Processing
(FS) ico.org.uk - UK ICO What is a Competent Authority
(FS) ico.org.uk - UK ICO How well do you comply with data protection law: an assessment for small business owners and sole traders
(FS) ico.org.uk - UK ICO Data Protection Legitimate Interests at a glance
Document Checking
(FS) consilium.europa.eu - PRADO (Public Register of Authentic Identity & Travel Documents Online) details of passport and identity documents that are issued by all the countries in the EU
(FS) identitydocuments.nl - site for checking documents from the Netherlands
(FS) immigration.gov.ng - understanding the different types of Nigerian passports
(FS) immigration.gov.ng - details of uncollected Nigerian passports
(FS) vehicle-documents.it - site for checking vehicle & driver documents from around the world
(FS) passportindex.org - compare passports & visa requirements for different countries around the world
EBay Related Sites
(FS) goofbid.com - useful tools for accessing details on eBay postings & accounts
(FS) bidvista.com - useful tools for accessing details on eBay postings & accounts
(FS) typohound.com - TypoHound generates spelling errors of a searched term to look for items on eBay which maybe otherwise missed
(FS) ebay.com - useful advice for law enforcement when dealing with ebay & paypal
(FS) ebay.co.uk - the ebay password reset / forget function can give you useful details but don't go too far or you might break the law and also warn the subject of your interest
(FS) searchtempest.com - allows a search for an item against a number of online sales sites, including ebay & Facebook Marketplace
(FS) searchalljunk.com - allows a search for an item against a number of online sales sites, including ebay & Facebook Marketplace
(FS) claz.org - allows a search for an item against a number of online sales sites, including ebay & Facebook Marketplace
Electoral Roll Databases UK
(PS) gbgplc.com - GBG Investigate, previously known as Hooyu Investigate, with a bit of the old GB Connexusis, so a really useful name & address databases, searchable via name, address, phone number & email address, which displays links to others & businesses
(PS) lexisnexis.co.uk - TraceIQ name & address databases with loads of extra sources of data, worth a try if you are on a budget, as they do a click per pay version
(PS) synalogik.com - another name & address databases with loads of extra sources of data, worth a try if you are on a budget
(PS) 192.com - name and address databases, with a "See Who's Searching for You" service for subscribers
(PS) leakpeek.com - useful site providing a cheap daily service for searching people against the UK electoral roll data
(PS) theukelectoralroll.co.uk - name and address databases with a few extra services
(PS) ukroll.com - name and address databases with a few extra services
(PS) ukphonebook.com - search the edited UK electoral roll and other things
(PS) searchelectoralroll.co.uk - offers some free electoral roll information but also has lots of links to paid services
(PS) tracegenie.com - offers people / electoral roll searching with daily access rates
(PS) genesreunited.co.uk - although this is a genealogy site it does off a search and pay per click option for searching the edited electoral roll
(FS) checktheregister.ie - a site that allows you to confirm a name registered at an address in Ireland
(FS) locatefamily.com - worldwide address & telephone number details, searchable by surname
(FS) locate-family.com - worldwide address & telephone number details, searchable by surname
File Sharing Search Sites
(FS) meawfy.com - search engine for Mega, GoFile and MediaFire file sharing sites
(FS) fidigger.com - easy to search service which checks public archives in different File Sharing Services that are not so well known
(FS) searchftps.net - NAPALM FTP Indexer lets you search and download files located on public FTP servers
(FS) mmnt.ru - Mamont, the largest FTP Search Engine
(FS) yadigger.com - search for public files in Google Drive
(FS) yadigger.com - search for public files in Disk Yandex, which is similar to Google Drive but on Yandex
(FS) s3digger.com - search for public files in Amazon S3
Hidden Data
(FS) extractmetadata.com - an online hidden/meta data locator for a variety of file types
(FS) tu.com - metashieldclean-up is an online hidden/meta data locator, for a number of file types
(FS) metadata2go.com - an online hidden/meta data locator for a variety of file types
(FS) pdfcandy.com - an online hidden/meta data editor for pdf files
(FS) pdfyeah.com - an online hidden/meta data locator for pdf files
Horse Racing
(FS) britishhorseracing.com - website of the British Horseracing Authority, with details of horses, trainers & jockeys etc
(FS) bhs.org.uk - the British Horse Society register of trainers & grooms
(FS) bhs.org.uk - the British Horse Society register of riding centres
(FS) horsemart.co.uk - UK horse sales website
(FS) elto.org.uk - the Employers' Liability Tracing Office (ELTO) is an independent body set up to provide claimants with access to a database of EL policies through its online enquiry facility
(FS) askmid.com - check if your vehicle is on the motor insurance database
(FS) first4lawyers.com - personal injury & medical negligence compensation calculator
Journalists (Useful Links)
(FS) researchclinic.net - Research Clinic accompanies the training courses delivered by Internet research
specialist Paul Myers
(FS) journaliststoolbox.org - Journalist's Toolbox from the Society of Professional Journalists
(FS) investigativedashboard.org - a useful investigative database for journalists to expose illicit ties that cross borders
(FS) occrp.org - the Organized Crime & Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) is a consortium of many non-profit investigative centers & journalists, from Eastern Europe to Central Asia
(FS) firstdraftnews.com - a site with useful newsgathering & verification resources for journalists
(FS) lumendatabase.org - the Lumen database collects and analyzes legal complaints and requests for removal of online materials, which may help identify material taken down & removed from online resources
(FS) camopedia.org - can be used to identify the different camouflage patterns used by military forces in a country
(FS) allbadges.net - can be used to identify different military badges from around the world
(PS) forceswarrecords.com - appears to be a paid site where you can search for an individual's non recent military records, including the stories, photos and personal documents
Missing People Related
(FS) missingpersons.police.uk - the aim of this UK website is to publicise information about unidentified people & remains
(FS) interpol.int - Interpol's list of missing people on their Yellow List
(FS) missingpeople.org.uk - a free resource for people in the UK to get in touch with those they have lost contact with
(FS) doenetwork.org - European listed missing on The Doe Network with links covering the missing in other countries
(FS) namus.gov - useful searchable American missing people site
(FS) services.rcmp-grc.gc.ca - useful searchable Canadian missing people site
(FS) missingpersons.gov.au - useful searchable Australian missing people site
(FS) missingseafarers.org - searchable list of those reported as lost at sea from around the world
(FS) imo.org - the International Maritime Organization marine casualties & incidents searchable database
(FS) lbt.global - a site with details of people missing internationaly
News Fact Checker
(FS) fullfact.org - an independent UK fact checking charity for news stories and political comments
(FS) channel4.com - the UK's Channel4 News site which
highlights facts or lies in recent news stories and political comments
(FS) altnews.in - an international site which highlights errors in reported news stories
(FS) google.com - list of archived newspapers on Google
(FS) thegazette.co.uk - as well as details of business & personal insolvency, lists honours & awards, plus many military promotions
(FS) westminster.gov.uk - once you are a member of this library you can access their on-line newspaper database, which has over 6,000 publications from over 100 countries in over 60 languages
(FS) thepaperboy.com - links to newspapers around the world, listed by country
(FS) allyoucanread.com - links to newspapers around the world, listed by country
(FS) world-newspapers.com - newspapers & magazines from around the world, listed by country
(FS) newspapermap.com - a site showing a map with links to newspapers around the world
(FS) nla.gov.au - free searchable online collaboration between the National Library of Australia and hundreds of partner organisations around Australia, including newspapers
(PS) dowjones.com - the factiva searchable international newspaper database
(PS) newspaperarchive.com - searchable international newspaper database
(PS) nnewspapers.com - searchable international newspaper database
Odd & Useful Computer/Internet Sites
(FS) 12ft.io - provides a free and easy way to bypass a sites paywall to read news articles etc
(FS) printfriendly.com - makes any web page print friendly
(FS) tosdr.org - is a community project which aims to analyze and grade the terms of service and privacy policies of major Internet sites and services, so you know what they really mean
(FS) virginmedia.com - a free online tool designed to estimate the time required to download your files based on their size and internet speed
(FS) websiteplanet.com - a free online tool to compress jpeg & png images
(FS) gyazo.com - a useful online tool which enables you to take a screengrab or short video of your desktop, and to share a link with others, so they can see it
Police & Crime Information England & Wales - Police Information
(FS) college.police.uk - the Police Barred List is a searchable database of all officers, special constables and staff members who have been dismissed from the UK policing through the Police Conduct and Performance Regulations
(FS) police.uk - the national website for policing in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, with links to each local force
(FS) police.uk - links to each force on the UK Police major incident public reporting site
(FS) apccs.police.uk - use the map to locate an areas Police and Crime Commissioner, with links to their websites, showing their expenses etc
England & Wales - Crime Information
(FS) google.com - Google map showing London's gang areas
(FS) moneysupermarket.com - online burglary hotspot checker, created using insurance claims
Law Enforcement ISP / Social Media Contact Details & Procedures
(FS) facebook.com - Facebook law enforcement contact details & procedures
(FS) google.com - Google law enforcement contact details & procedures
(FS) instagram.com - Instagram law enforcement contact details & procedures
(FS) publicintelligence.net - Microsoft / MSN law enforcement contact details & procedures
(FS) pinterest.com - Pinterest law enforcement contact details & procedures
(FS) snapchat.com - SnapChat law enforcement contact details & procedures
(FS) twitter.com - Twitter law enforcement contact details & procedures
(FS) wechat.com - WeChat law enforcement contact details & procedures
(FS) yahoo.com - law enforcement contact details & procedures
(FS) search.org - list of law enforcement contact details for mostly American based internet linked companies
Polish Based Sites
(FS) github.com - list of useful online services that focus on Poland & the Polish-speaking communities, put together by 9wind, although you might need to be use Google Translate to understand the different headings
Political Sites UK Parliament
(FS) parliament.uk - details of MPs
(FS) parliament.uk - details of Lords
(FS) parliament.uk - claimed allowances for MPs & Lords
(FS) parliament.uk - registered interests for MPs & Lords
(FS) taxpolicy.org.uk - searchable map of MPs' donors & interests
(FS) burkespeerage.com - a guide to the genealogical history of the royal & aristocratic families
(FS) electoralcommission.gov.uk - links to details of candidates campaign spending, donations and loans to political parties in the UK
(FS) theyworkforyou.com - keep tabs on elected & unelected representatives in Parliament and other Assemblies, includes voting records and Register of Members' Interests
(FS) consolidate.org.uk - useful site to see the MP's Register of Interests but also allows searching for who has given donations to individual Politicians and Political Parties
London Assembly
(FS) london.gov.uk - the register of members of the London Assembly, with links to details of their expenses and register of interests
Scottish Parliament
(FS) scottish.parliament.uk - details of current and previous Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs), which also links to their register of interests
Welsh Assembly
(FS) assemblywales.org - search for members' of the Welsh Assembly / Senedd, which also links to their register of interests
Northern Ireland Assembly
(FS) niassembly.gov.uk - search for members of the Northern Ireland Assembly
(FS) niassembly.gov.uk - the register of members' expenses for the Northern Ireland Assembly
(FS) niassembly.gov.uk - the register of members interests for the Northern Ireland Assembly
(FS) oireachtas.ie - links to members of the Irish Parliament, including details of the register of members interests
(FS) europa.eu - locate your MEP by region, with links to their details & declared interests etc
(FS) gov.gg - links to useful details of members' for the States of Guernsey
(FS) statesassembly.je - members' details for the States of Jersey
Qualification Checker
(PS) qualificationcheck.com - qualification checker for a growing numbers of UK universities & elsewhere around the world
(PS) hedd.ac.uk - qualification checker for a numbers of UK universities & other institutions
(FS) scoresonthedoors.org.uk - Scores on the Doors is an independent information service using the Food Standards Agency National Food Hygiene Rating Scheme for premises such as takeaways, clubs, pubs and restaurants
Sanctions & Watch List
(FS) opensanctions.org - searchable open source data on sanctioned people and companies
(FS) gov.uk - UK
financial sanctions targets, list of all asset freeze targets
(FS) gov.uk - proscribed terrorist groups and organisations in the UK
(FS) sanctio.com - USA & EU sanctions list by country
(FS) treas.gov - USA sanctions list from the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the Department of the Treasury
(FS) doc.gov - view the 'Denied Persons' lists on the USA Department of Commerce website (click on the View the HTML version link to view their details)
(FS) federalregister.gov - search a named from the American 'Denied Persons' list to view the associated government papers
(FS) treasury.gov - lots of useful links from The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the US Department of the Treasury
(FS) treasury.gov - database searchable by names for Specially Designated Nationals & Blocked Persons
Satellite Tracking
(FS) n2yo.com - real time satellite tracking
(FS) leolabs.space - is a site showing live satellite information, visible via an image of the globe
(FS) esri.com - is a searchable site for active satellites
Stolen Property
(FS) immobilise.com - register your property on the Immobilise Property Register, which is linked to and searched by UK police
Trade Marks
(FS) europa.eu - search a number of trade mark databases with this EU tool
(FS) gov.uk - search the UK's Intellectual Property Office trade mark database by words or images
(FS) uspto.gov - search the United States Patent and Trademark Office database
(FS) wipo.int - search the World Intellectual Property Organization trade mark database
Wanted People
(FS) eumostwanted.eu - Europe's most wanted, from Europol
(FS) interpol.int - Interpol's list of people shown as wanted on their Red List
(FS) fbi.gov - the FBI's list of wanted people
(FS) mrwatchlist.com - a list of police force wanted lists, listed by country
(FS) thewatchregister.com - listed as the world's leading database of lost and stolen watches
(FS) emmywatch.com - database to search a serial number to date a number of different watches
(FS) est1897.co.uk - Rolex serial number guide
(FS) beckertime.com - a free tool to identify the production date of a Rolex by its serial number
(FS) serial-number-decoder.co.uk - free online tool to date a Breitling watch by its serial number
(FS) serial-number-decoder.co.uk - free online tool to date a Casio watch by its serial number, batch or module code
(FS) serial-number-decoder.co.uk - free online tool to date a Citizen watch by its serial number
(FS) serial-number-decoder.co.uk - free online tool to date a Longines watch by its serial number
(FS) serial-number-decoder.co.uk - free online tool to date a Omega watch by its serial number
(FS) serial-number-decoder.co.uk - free online tool to date a Rolex watch by its serial number
(FS) serial-number-decoder.co.uk - free online tool to date a Tissot watch by its serial number
(FS) serial-number-decoder.co.uk - free online tool to date a Tudor watch by its serial number
Weather Related Sites
(FS) wunderground.com - search via a location to see what the weather was on a particular date
(FS) timeanddate.com - search via a location to see what the weather was on a particular date
(FS) wolframalpha.com - search via a location to see what the weather was on a particular date
(FS) suncalc.net - useful tool for searching the position of the sun in a particular place at a given time
(FS) suncalc.org - shows the movement of the sun and sunlight-phase for a certain day at a certain place
(FS) shadowcalculator.eu - useful tool for showing the shadow from the position of the sun in a particular location at a selected date & time
(FS) bitbucket.io - Sun-Path on Map overlays a dynamic 2D Sun-path diagram on a Google Map
(FS) bitbucket.io - 3D Sun-Path demonstrates how the Sun-path diagram and shadow projections change at a location
Website Monitoring Monitoring Website Updates / Changes
(FS) watchthatpage.com - provides a free web page change monitoring & notification service
(FS) followthatpage.com - provides a free web page change monitoring & notification service
(FS) google.com - enter a search query you wish to monitor & receive email alerts on updates
(FS) versionista.com - provides a free web page change monitoring & notification service but requires registration
(FS) visualping.io - provides a free web page change monitoring & notification service
(PS) infominder.com - provides a web page change monitoring & notification service
(FS) wachete.com - provides a web page change monitoring & notification service
(FS) onwebchange.com - provides a web page change monitoring & notification service
(FS) uptimerobot.com - provides a web page change monitoring & notification service
Others Website Monitoring Sites
(FS) downforeveryoneorjustme.com - if you visit a website but it won't open then simply enter the address on this website and it will let you know if it is a problem with your computer or a general problem with that website
(FS) onlinelinkscan.com - lets you check a website for viruses and spyware before you visit
(FS) scamvoid.net - check to see if a website is a scam
(FS) scam-detector.com - check to see if a website is a scam
(FS) virustotal.com - check a website for threats and malicious content
(FS) experte.com - check to see if access to a website is blocked in countries including China, Russia, and Turkey
Wikipedia Related Sites
(FS) wikipedia.org - the front page to wikipedia
(FS) www.wikipedia.org - search contributions & alterations to wikipedia by IP Address
(FS) wmflabs.org - this xtools site provides detailed information on any Wikipedia page, from articles to user pages to user talk pages
(FS) wmflabs.org - this xtools site provides a history of all the edits made by a particular user across all Wikimedia platforms
(FS) wmflabs.org - this xtools site can be used to show which user added or edited text within a particular wikipedia page
(FS) wmflabs.org - other useful xtools
(FS) toolforge.org - a site which allows you to compare the page-view history of multiple pages on the same graph