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Facebook General Links & Useful Sites

(This page was last updated on the 20/01/2025)

Account ID Numbers       Account Research       General Links       Groups Research       Marketplace Research

Facebook Law Enforcement Guide can be found Here

Facebook Account ID Numbers
If you want to know more about how to locate an accounts Facebook Account ID Number then visit our page Here.

Facebook Data Breach Checker - for searching to see if a mobile number appears on the Facebook Account Hack Dump

Facebook hack dump search

Google Searches For People Linked To A Location On Facebook
The following may assist in locating the Facebook accounts of people of interest, just click Here and then in the Google Search Box replace "Search Name" with a phrase containing their usual name or just their surname and replace "Search Location" with a phrase containing the name of the town or village they live in and then search.

Google Searches For People Linked To School Or Place Of Work Etc On Facebook
The following may assist in locating the Facebook accounts for people who went to a particular School or University, or who work for a particular Company or Organisation, in the Google Search Box replace "Search Term" with the phrase with the name of the School, University, Company or Organisation as it appears on their Facebook page and then search.

Search A Facebook Account For Linked Content
If the below shown Search link is not accessible from the Facebook account you are researching, then you can use this URL, which will allow you to search a Facebook account for linked content. In the URL replace the XXX with the relevant Facebook Account ID Number and replace YYY with the search term, which should be a keyword linked to your subject or your enquiry. Remember if someone or their friends post in their own language, then it is worth using a Translation Site to search for the words using that language & characters.


Facebook Marketplace Research
Visit our Marketplace Research page to locate details of any local Facebook Marketplace sales groups an account has been selling items on.

Mutual Friends On Facebook

Recently Added Friends On Facebook
A number of Articles online indicate that people are only shown as Recently Added Friends on Facebook for around 3 weeks.

Expand & Download Comments In Facebook Posts

Download Facebook Videos

You can either use one of the above links to download a video from Facebook or visit the video from the actual account holders page, then in the url / address bar change the www to m, then when the video opens, right click on the video and select 'Save Video As'.

Facebook Ad Library - check to see who is behind and spending on Facebook Ads;

Right Click on the below link and select 'Copy Link Location' and replace AddFacebookAccountIDNumberHere
at the end of the URL with the actual Facebook Account ID Number of your subject's account,
to see if they have paid for any Facebook Ad's - Facebook Ad's Link.

Facebook Password Reset - Link An Email Address Or Mobile Number To A Facebook Account
As Long As You Have Not Signed In To Facebook, You Can Use The Password Reset Page To See If An Email Address Or Mobile Number Is Linked To A Current Facebook Account;